Copyright © 2019 Sarah Parker, Face Yoga Devon, Plymouth, Devon
Face Yoga Devon
What is Face Yoga? Face Yoga is a natural way of looking and feeling younger and healthier with an added sense of relaxation and wellbeing. It is a combination of face exercises, face massage, face acupressure and face relaxation. It also focuses on wellbeing techniques for the mind, body and soul. Danielle Collins, the World leading Face Yoga expert, has created a 10 Minute Upper Face Workout and a 10 Minute Lower Face Workout to be done daily, 6 days week. The Method uses the most effective traditional techniques and the latest research to give safe, natural anti-ageing results. It combines the best of Face Yoga, massage, acupressure and face exercise. Additionally, Danielle has also created a whole wellness plan which combines extra face massage, extra face acupressure, energy work, nutrition, relaxation and wellbeing techniques. How does Face Yoga work? Face Exercise: just as your body needs regular exercise to stay toned and firm, the 57 muscles in the face and neck also need to be exercised. As they become stronger through exercise they are lifted and firmed and the skin attached to the muscles is also lifted and tautened, therefore reducing lines and wrinkles. As the muscles are much smaller than those in the body, it takes a lot less time for them to increase in strength and tone. Face Massage: by regularly massaging the face using the techniques from The Danielle Collins Face Yoga Method, you will increase the circulation, lymph flow and remove toxins. This will reduce poor skin tone, puffiness and dark circles and allow the skin to look healthier and more youthful. The massage techniques will also increase the collagen and elastin, the natural plumping agents which will mean a firmer and healthier complexion. Acupressure: this age-old technique works by pressing on certain points on the face. This can increase the flow of the subtle energy or prana in the face. This therefore reduces tension, increases circulation and gives a healthy glow to the skin. Relaxation: by learning to relax tension in the face this will help to reduce and prevent the deep sets lines and wrinkles caused by stress, squinting or grimacing. The Danielle Collins Face Yoga Method allows you to relax the face correctly giving it a more open, youthful look. Wellbeing: Remember that taking time to do the Wellbeing aspect of the programme will also do wonders for you overall health and happiness. Taking time to relax, do something for you, and knowing you will look and feel better as a result may mean you also notice yourself feeling calmer and more energised as well as looking younger and healthier. What happens on the inside, radiates on the outside. Who should use Face Yoga? Face Yoga is for everyone. Men and women, young and old. Face Yoga is very useful if you want to reduce signs of ageing and tension. Whether you are starting to see the first signs of ageing or if you have deep set lines and wrinkles, the exercises and techniques will be beneficial for you. It is never too late to start improving the health of your face. Face Yoga is also a preventative measure. The earlier you start the exercises the less likely you are to see signs of ageing and tension in the face. Remember as well as using Face Yoga as an anti ageing tool, you can also use it through times of stress to reduce those tell-tale signs that can show on your face. What can cause the face to age? weakening of the face muscles poor lymph flow break down of connective tissue stress losing collagen and elastin poor circulation excess toxins too much sun harsh winds and cold certain products poor nutrition negativity pollution cigarettes, alcohol and drugs lack of sleep lack of exercise How do I use Face Yoga? The exercises can be done sitting, standing, reclining or lying. At first you may want to practice them in a mirror and don’t worry if you laugh, this is will help release tension as well. Remove contact lenses or glasses before you start. There is no need to press too hard on any of the exercises, just a gentle pressure is sufficient to see quick results. Try to breathe deeply in and out through the nose unless otherwise directed, as this will relax the mind as well as the muscles meaning exercises will be even more effective. Always drink a glass of water after the Workouts to hydrate the skin and help with toxin removal. Following the rest of the Wellbeing techniques to live a healthy lifestyle will bring even quicker results as well. Doing yoga for the body will also help with making improvements to the face. Stay positive and happy, exercise the body, eat and drink healthily, don’t smoke and use a good sunscreen and moisturiser. How does Face Yoga affect my skin? All the exercises work the hypodermis or the lower layer of the skin (the muscles and fatty tissue), the dermis or the middle layer (the connective tissue) and the epidermis or the upper layer (the cells). By working all these layers correctly it will increase the blood circulation, allowing more oxygen and more nourishment to reach the cells of the skin (upper layer). The result is a clear, healthy complexion with a beautiful glow which has less toxins and has a better ability to absorb moisture. The massage techniques are designed to stimulate collagen and elastin production in the middle layer of the skin giving you a smoother, more supple, tighter-looking skin. How long will it take to see results? You will see and feel some difference straight away. Your muscles may feel they have had a good workout (just like with body exercise), you will see and feel less tension in the face and you will have a rosy glow. Everyone has different faces so the time it takes to see changes varies from person to person. As a general rule you will start to see more of a long term improvement in your face and neck after 2 weeks. After 2-4 months, you will notice you have less fine lines and less tension and people will notice you look healthier and more energised. Within 6-9 months people have reported that they look and feel many years younger and feel more relaxed within themselves. Remember that taking 20 minutes for yourself to do this every day will also do wonders for your overall wellbeing and stress levels. This time to relax, do something for you, and knowing you will look and feel better as a result may mean you also notice yourself feeling calmer and happier. Can I do Face Yoga more than once a day Just once a day for 6 days a week is recommended for the 10 minute upper face and 10 minute lower face workouts, although you can take time to do some of the extra techniques. Just like the body it is not recommended to over exercise the face. It would cause no real harm if you did but to give a balanced, healthy complexion and to bring quick results, stick to the recommended amount. Does it matter what time of day I do face yoga? It really doesn’t matter when you do the exercises. Just do it when is best for you. It is always better to the exercises at the same time and same place everyday as this gives you a routine and ensures you stick to the programme. Remember you can do them sitting up or lying down and it is best to be calm and relaxed in a quiet place. Some people set their alarm early in the morning to do the exercises, other people do it whilst watching TV, whilst in the bath or even in the car park just before going into work. Choose a safe time or place which suits you and don’t use whilst driving or operating machinery. I have had cosmetic/plastic surgery, can I still do Face Yoga? Yes. Face Yoga will still give your face a fresh glow, reduce damaging build up of tension and reduce the need for further cosmetic surgery. The exercises are all safe for those who have had cosmetic surgery but please check with your doctor before you start the exercises. Will doing Face Yoga give me wrinkles? No. All the techniques work the face and neck in a controlled way. When you go to a gym or to an exercise class and work the muscles in the body you firm up the body and improve skin texture and tone. The same principle applies for the face and neck. The exercises which work on muscle resistance enlarge the muscle, creating lift and a promoting a firmer, more youthful-looking face. So by exercising the face you are actually building muscle fibre which reduces wrinkles. Will touching and massaging my face give me wrinkles? No not if you massage in the right way. All the techniques work with all 3 layers of the skin to ensure that none of the connective tissue is broken down. By massaging correctly you will feel your skin will have better circulation, look smoother and firmer, toxins will be removed and tension reduced. It is however important to remember to use a lighter touch on the face than on the body as the skin is thinner on the face. Does it matter if I do not do Face Yoga for a while? It is best to do the exercises once a day, 6 days a week as recommended but if you go a while without doing it, don’t worry. You may notice the difference in your face when you don’t do them but remember that the face muscles have a muscle memory so when you start again you can just pick up where you left off. Should I moisturise my skin before or after Face Yoga? It is recommended to use a good daily moisturiser. It is good to use this after the exercises and acupressure but before the massage and relaxation. Are there any safety aspects I need to consider? All the exercises and techniques in the programme have been designed to be safe and beneficial for you and all instructions are clear and comprehendible. However, it is still advised to visit a 1:1 teacher to ensure you are doing all exercises correctly and to learn any modifications suitable for any health complaints or skin problems. If you do have any particular needs, health issues or any of the exercises feel uncomfortable for you please consult your doctor before using the programme. Always ensure you work to your own comfortable limit.

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FACE YOGA in Plymouth,  Devon. Tel. 07803 129918
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